About Us


After discovering all the wonderful leagues and meeting fabulous people around the world, I came home to Sydney and saw there was nothing to service the 'underdogs' in sport. You know... the people that just want to have some fun with it, and not take it all too seriously. Just get fit, meet new people, and not feel intimidated. Is that too much to ask?.....Well, not really.

I played with Urban Rec in Vancouver which is a household name over there. I was put on an individual team with a bunch of cool cats. We never won a game, but heck, did we have fun. We played every week just for the banter, and fitness really. The after-game drinks were just as important as the game, and I was left with 11 great friends, and a thirst for social sports. ​

I soon realised that Sydney deserved to have some fun too. I missed meeting new people in a non-awkward way. That feeling when you meet someone new, and realise the world is full of legends. That feeling of going out of your comfort zone and being pumped up as a result. Well, this is why Urban Rec exists. We are committed to bringing the people of Adelaide (and Australia one day) recreational, non-competitive, inclusive sports. Come down and watch any of our league nights, you will see people smiling, laughing, and truly enjoying themselves. That's the creme de la creme of what we do. 


We live in a world where getting of our phones and into reality is hard. Motivating yourself to work out after a long day is annoyingly difficult. This is the remedy. Commit to a 10 week season, and you won't be on the couch, because you won't want to let your team down. You will be on the field running around, jumping, leaping, throwing, catching, dodging, whatever it is....plus, as a club we do so much more, Fun Runs, Golf Days, Adventures, Tennis Tournaments, Kayaking, whatever it feels like to be alive, and active. We are offering it. 


Being a grown-up can sometimes be lonely. Often you get locked into friends from high school or uni and branching out seems impossible. Or maybe you just moved to the area, for work, for fun, for uni. OR like me, you realise there is an amazing endless supply of best friends waiting to meet you. We bring it together, break down the barriers, and all of a sudden Urban Rec has brought you a network of friends you will have for life. You can sign up as an individual and meet a whole team. Or bring your own team, and if we have it our way, you will be socialising with everyone in the league!​​


The key element. F.U.N. We do several things to make sure the games are actually enjoyable, your opposition is fun, even the Event Hosts are in on it. We give prizes to the most fun team, and each team have the chance to give "Fun Points" to their opposition. What point is there to doing anything if it isn't fun? We organise end of season parties, trips, and weekends away, outings, and pub crawls, trivia nights, you name it. This element is what separates us from the other sports leagues out there. This is what we do best.

We would love the opportunity to meet all the people out there who have this stuff in their blood. All the people that think life should be a little bit more exciting, and that every day is a new adventure. Even if you don't have the thirst yet, but you want it... you have come to the right place…​

Welcome to Urban Rec